Please find links to all my personal projects below, projects created in my spare time, for game jams, and even from my University days.

These are all my projects that I created in my spare time, either for research purposes, or for fun.

These are all of the projects I had a hand in creating for game jams.

These are all of my projects from my days at University (Vega).

/Personal Projects


A game developed for the SA Game Jam 2019.
A god sim, where the player goes about the world collecting basic resources to craft the people and animals of this world.
In collabaration with Connor Munro/SaibaShadow (3D/2D Artist)
Strong in environmental story telling, and scariness [comment from Playtester], and metaphors.

Recipient of the Visual Excellence award at the Inter-Campus Game Jam 2021(Official Award Instagram Post)

I was the programmer on this project. In collabaration with Connor Munro/SaibaShadow (3D/2D Artist)

"Take Me There" was created for the Wits and Vega Intercampus Game Jam 2021. A stylistic first person puzzle game where the player must explore a typical haunted mansion.


The theme for this jam was Duality, thus we decided to focus on balance.

A 3rd person game, where the players objective is to keep the balance of Earth in check by granting wishes for the populace, using resouces around their work station.

Granting wishes correctly leads to a score increase, as well as stability increase/decrease dependant on the type of wish.

This game was created for Ludum Dare 51
An environment rich game where the player must overcome their overlord GARY by sorting items. The items come towards you on a belt and you must sort em, and sort em fast. Try to get to GARY, defeat his minions along the way, and Progress the Movement.

This turn based fighter will have at the the edge of your seats. This game will leave you in suspense. As you you achieve your hot streak the items will come towards you faster.


Drag on drop the color coded items into boxes. There is no penalty for items falling off the track. Successfully sorting items will give you damage/block and more time. However failure to sort items CORRECTLY will lead to you losing your hot streak, and losing the stats you would have gained.

In collabaration with Connor Munro/SaibaShadow (3D Modeling and Texturing )



This project was given to us to test our ability to create a functional AI for a turn based game.
I took this further and created systems around our brief which resembled a team based, story driven, inventory filling, turn based game.


A group effort, this is a board game designed in the vain of Betrayal at House on the Hill.
The change of style to Ancient Egypt, along with varying rooms to simulate a tomb/pyramid.
There are a variety of characters, cards, items, and points to keep or lose.


Made in collaboration with Dylan De Kock (2D Artist) .
A game made to promote the brand Abstinence during our Universities Brand Activation Week.
The objective is to promote alternatives to alcoholic beverages.

Space Invaders Recreation

As a side project I wanted to recreate the classic game Space Invaders, with some additions such as varying enemy types, a shield power up, and double damage power-ups.

Made in collaboration with Dylan De Kock and Simon Swart. I was the programmer on this group project. It's not all up to the 'Janitors in Space' and that is why we link the player to helpful resources in our credits to give them more information to the serious issue space debris is.


Our game has a day system, where upon a new day a new mini game is introduced to the player that they need to accomplish, as well as collect an amount of trash, to finish their day.


The main mechanical ideas we had for the game were for our Space Janitor to be able to vacuum space junk, break items down with a laser, and move items away from Earth, or move items in general.

C++ and Java Projects

C++ Project

Tasked with designing the first Wolfenstien Level using Open GL. With the level modeled in Blender, and loaded in with Assimp, the level has movement, as well as lighting.



A very simple map application, which is coded in Android Studio, and uses Firebase for storage and authentication, as well as Google Maps API's.